SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities) Travel Assistance Application Form - School


Important information regarding Post-16 policy changes effective from September 2025 - please visit Post-16 transport policy review before continuing your application.


This application form is for:

  • Children and young people with SEND or a medical condition, aged 5 to 19, who attend a school or a SILC, 


  • Parents of primary-aged children who have a disability which prevents them accompanying their child on the walking rout between home and their nearest qualifying school. 


It should take you about 20 to 30 minutes to complete this form. You can save your progress at any point and return to the form later.

Before you complete the application form please read the guidance notes by clicking this link.

If you need to speak to someone about this form then please email

Please note that once your fully-completed application has been submitted, it may take us up to 15 working days to assess your application and to respond to you in writing.

Privacy notice (data protection) - Your information and how it will be used

Leeds City Council is committed to respecting the rights of service users to confidentiality and/or anonymity when seeking advice. We take our obligations under the Data Protection legislation (the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018) very seriously. The information you provide will be subject to rigorous measures and procedures to make sure that it cannot be seen, accessed or disclosed to anyone who should not see it. Our service also needs to use sensitive personal data relating to you (also called “special category data”) which requires more protection by us to keep it safe.

We provide support with home to school or college travel arrangements for parents and young people applying, offering information, advice and support relating to a child or young person’s Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND), including processes relating to education, health and social care. Please be aware that the information you supply on the application will be used by Leeds City Council to process your requests, to contact you in relation to your requests and to deliver services you request from us. It will be recorded on computer and used to assess eligibility for services.

Leeds City Council are the Data Controller of this information and the legal basis for processing the data is to comply with a legal obligation, or because we are acting in the public interest or exercising a public task in our official authority.

Additionally we may share information, where lawful, with other services within the Council and also with other relevant organisations. Where appropriate, we will share relevant information with; West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA); the Zero Fare School Pass supplier contracted by WYCA and; contracted transport suppliers, in order to safely transport the subject of this application.

There may also be circumstances where we may use and share your information without your agreement, if we are legally required to do so if we believe there are significant concerns relating to you, your child/ young person’s safety or wellbeing. We will keep your personal information for 35 years from the date of first involvement in accordance with the Leeds City Council retention schedule.

You have rights in respect of the information we hold about you and your child, including the right to ask for access to your information or to withdraw from involvement in respect of the travel arrangements. Further information in respect of your rights is available at To exercise any of your rights, please contact; or send to Information Management & Governance, Leeds City Council, Merrion House, 110 Merrion Way, Leeds, LS2 8BB, and we will advise you of the procedure.


Our software supplier, SmartSurvey Ltd, will also process your data on our behalf but will never use these for its own purposes.
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