Community Based Mental Health Services (Service Users)
This survey is being run by Adults and Health at Leeds City Council.
It should take you about 15 to 20 minutes to answer all the questions. The last day that you can respond is 19th February 2018.
If you need to speak to someone about this survey then please email or telephone 0113 3783832.
The last date for responses has been extended to the 26th February 2018
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What is happening?
Several contracts for community mental health services funded by the Leeds City Council will expire on 31 March 2019:
- Wellbeing Service - provided by Leeds Mind
- Mental Health Support Service - provided by Community Links
- Support Centre - provided by Touchstone
- Asian Women’s Mental Health Support Service - provided by DOSTI at Touchstone
The same providers have held the contracts for many years. The Council could be legally challenged unless the services are opened up to competition.
The Council will combine all the services into one Community Based Mental Health Service contract for a period of five years from 1 April 2019.
How will Service User benefit?
- Economies of scale
- Flexible opening hours including evenings and weekends
- Sharing of expertise
- Single point of contact, assessment and referral
- Clearer pathways
- Improved outcomes for Service Users
- Encouraging bidders to devise innovative ways of working.
What does “single point of referral and assessment” mean?
Currently each provider assesses each Service User referred to them. If a Service User is referred to another service a new assessment takes place. Under the new contract Service User will be assessed once, which will save time; and make it more likely they are referred to the correct support right away, so making it less stressful.
Will the current level of funding be maintained for the new Service?
Who will be able to bid for the new contract?
Any suitably experienced provider (or group of providers).
Why not keep the contracts separate?
A review of mental health services found there was a broad range of provision, but a lack of clarity about how the system works together. The key problems were:
- Difficulty accessing information
- The system is not easy to understand to anyone outside of it
- Services are not consistently “outcome” focused
- too many points of access
- restricted opening times
Will there be Service User input into the running of the new service?
The Provider will have to adopt ‘co-production’ as the means of service development and delivery. Service User will be seen as an asset and encouraged to work with professionals as equals in developing services.
Will Service Users receive a service in the same location as before?
The provider will have to demonstrate they have listened to Service Users’ views in deciding where to locate services in accordance with co-production.
Will Service Users receive a service from the same worker(s) as before?
If the current providers do not win the contract, staff will have the opportunity to transfer to the new provider under TUPE employment regulations. Over time there will continue to be the usual turnover of staff.
Will Service Users receive the same type of service as before?
Co-production requires the provider to work with service users before changes are made. But, it is hoped that there will be an improved service offer to a greater number of people from more diverse backgrounds.
Will the contract go to the lowest bidder?
The decision will take into account cost (40%) and quality (60%) therefore the decision will be based on quality.
What will be the specific aims of the new Service?
- To provide flexible person-centred support for people with mental health problems.
- To maximise psychosocial opportunity to support recovery and help reduce the likelihood of relapse, and maximise wellbeing.
- To support Service users to improve the quality of their lives.
- To enable and enhance the social confidence and ability of service Users.
- To promote the self determination of Service Users.
- To promote Service User participation in service planning and delivery.
- To adopt a community based, outward looking, and socially inclusive way of working.
- To be non-judgemental and celebrate the diversity of living in a multi-cultural society.
- To be sensitive to Service Users’ cultural and ethnic backgrounds, as well as gender and sexuality.
- To work in partnership with other agencies to ensure that Service users receive a cohesive service.
- To improve Service Users’ access to support networks within their own communities.
- To apply the principles of co-production, whereby everybody works together on an equal basis to create a service or come to a decision which works for them all. Co-production is built on a principle that those who use a service are best placed to help design it.