Parent/Carer Wellbeing Survey
This survey is being co-ordinated by the Health and Wellbeing Service,
Leeds City Council
Dear Parent/Carer
This Parent/Carer Wellbeing survey asks questions about you and your family’s wellbeing during, and after, lockdown due to Coronavirus. The answers you give will help to provide a context for, and insight into, how your child’s school/setting might best be able to support pupil wellbeing going forward.
It should take no longer than 10 minutes to answer all the questions and all answers are anonymous. If you need to speak to someone about this survey, please speak to your child’s school/setting.
We hope that completing the survey does not in any way upset you. If it does, please be re-assured that you can stop at any time and your answers will not be saved. Your opinion matters and your thoughts are welcome on the following questions.
Please answer each question carefully and truthfully and tick one answer for each question unless it states that you can tick more than one. Questions marked with a red asterisk (*) are compulsory and require an answer.
Privacy notice (data protection)
Your responses will be used to help us provide and improve public services. Your information will be kept secure and used in line with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018. When results are shared publicly, or with other organisations, your response will be anonymised so it cannot be linked back to you.
General information about how Leeds City Council uses your data can be found at
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We must have your consent to use your personal information. Please confirm this by ticking the box.
We must have your consent to use your personal information. Please confirm this by ticking the box.
I confirm that I wish to submit the information entered into this form to Leeds City Council. I give my consent (permission) for this to be used as described in the privacy notice. *